My Best Articles
• 3 Essential Steps to Writing a Killer Logline
• How to Create Great TV Bibles & Treatments
• My Number #1 Tip For Writers: Self-Compassion
• 6 Ways to Turn Your ‘General Meeting’ into a Job Opportunity
• How To Give Good Meeting... And Get the Job, Part One
• How To Give Good Meeting Part Two: Four Key Strategies
• How to Write a One-Pager that Gets Traction
• What is a “Leave-Behind” & When Do You Need One?
• Get your Sh*t Together! 10 Ways to Organize Your Creative Life
All Articles & Blog Posts
3 Ways to Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths
Entertainment is one of the most competitive industries in the world, and it has a knack for testing the strengths – and weaknesses – of everyone brave enough to try to break in. To stay resilient, it’s important to practice accurate self-appraisal and identify what your weaknesses are.
What Does True Success Look Like?
As a writer, your days can fill up quickly. As you spend your time not just writing, but prepping for meetings, navigating notes calls and hustling to get ahead, the bigger picture can become smaller and smaller until you forget what you were looking at in the first place. It’s important to take a moment away from the everyday business of writing to remember why you started, where you’d like to go, and what true success looks like to you.
It's Hollywood! What Could Go Wrong?
Execs that love your project leave their jobs. Companies get bought and dismantled. Your showrunner gets fired. YOU get fired. The network gets a new President with entirely different taste. A project just like yours gets sold or picked up first. This is why you need a Hollywood Game Plan.
5 Ways to Get an Agent
The one question I get asked most often from up-and-coming writers is how do I get an agent? Most people will tell you not to worry; if your work is great, the agents will find you. Frustrating, but true. But there are other strategies you can use to land that all-elusive rep.
The #1 Thing You Should Be Doing for Your Career
This may seem obvious, but it’s worth making the point emphatically. The most helpful thing you can do for your career is to practice your craft. If you're a writer, write. If you're a director, grab a camera and direct something.
Keep Your Writing Chops Up! Some Top Writers' Workshops That Can Help.
If you feel like you’re continually delving into the same tired bag of tricks while crafting your scripts, consider taking a workshop to breathe new life into your writing routine.
Understanding the Broadcast Network Selling, Buying & Producing Cycle
People say the broadcast network system is on the way out, overtaken by cable, streaming and digital platforms. But trust me, it’s not dead yet.
The Top 6 In-Demand TV Comedy Pilot Scripts
Sure, you can take every writing class, seminar, and workshop in the world to improve your writing skills. But there’s still no better way to learn what makes a great pilot than to experience it for yourself. Click the links below to read the top 6 in-demand TV comedy pilot scripts and see what blazing hot material really reads like.
The Top 6 In-Demand TV Drama Pilot Scripts
Many writers over-analyze their work. They obsess about the little things that could make their script great or small mistakes that might be holding it back. But none of this incessant scrutinizing will make a bit of difference until you’ve personally experienced what it’s like to read a killer script.
How to Stay Sane While You Wait for Answers from Decision Makers
Hollywood moves at lightning speed, or so it would seem from the news. The truth is that behind every new hit television show or award-winning movie are years of hard work, and years of waiting. Here are my top tips for staying sane when the wait is maddening.
4 Ways to Break Through Dreaded "Writers Block"
Many screenwriters will tell you that being “in the flow” is one of the greatest – and most elusive – feelings. But what do you do when you just can’t get there?
How to Receive Feedback: The DOs and DONTs
So you’ve just sold a TV pilot idea. Congratulations! Don’t ruin all that hard work by not knowing how to properly receive feedback during the development process.
The Top 5 Strategies for Successful Pitching
Today, I want to share with you my top five strategies for how to be more charismatic and engaging in any room in order to set yourself up for successful pitching.
How to Handle the Physical Demands of Being a Writer
Sitting all day can lead to vision, back, and health problems. Here are my top 5 tips to protect yourself while pursuing your writing career.
How to Make Sure Your First TV Series Staffing Job Won't Be Your Last
You’ve finally landed your first staff writing gig, congratulations! Here’s how to make sure it won’t be your last.
The Top 5 Self-Care Tips For Writers
In addition to having blazing hot material, industry savvy, and smart self-marketing, there is one key ingredient that is a necessity for success in the entertainment business: resilience. Here’s how to get more of it.
5 Smart Ways to Market Yourself as a Writer – Even If You Don’t Want To
There are countless digital platforms to make use of today, which means countless platforms to market yourself as a writer.
Secrets to Balancing Your Screenwriting with Your Day Job
In the real world we all have to work, and until writing becomes your work, it’s a balancing act of making the two happen simultaneously - without feeling guilty or frustrated all the time.
Hollywood Power: The Top 4 Talent Agencies for Screenwriters
There are countless agencies out there, some small, some big, and some, well, very big. If you’re interested in Literary Agencies 101, I’m going to start off with the top dogs, or more commonly known as The Big Four, that you should definitely know.
Examples of Successful TV Series Bibles
If you’re an aspiring screenwriter with an interest in television, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of a TV series bible, but if you’ve never actually pitched a show, there’s a chance you’re not 100% clear about what that is. Have no fear: I’ve compiled some examples for you of a few series bibles to help you out.